Competing Projects 2025

S'attacher Pilote Paris

In 2022, the school created a 3-years-long research program focused on solutions to face environmental challenges. Every year, a volume presents the student’s works. Our project is the result of a balance between a technical approach –where resources are measured– and an experimental approach –where graphic design creates shapes that embody the stakes of ecodesign. We aim to minimize the catalogue’s ecological footprint. The papers are selected from the printer’s stock. Two mass-tinted papers serve as cover –on which the table of content is printed to reduce the number of pages– and for the first page, which is visible through the die cut 1. The book is bound with a saddle stitch in order to avoid the use of glue. The format is optimized and a layout with fine margins allows us to allocate more content. We choose a font among the most ink-efficient ones. Finally, we designed a font, whose concept is to extract masses from a shape and reassembled them to create letters.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Blu Intenso 170 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Arancio 110 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Freelife oikos 80 g/m2
École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris
Pilote Paris