PLV Parfum TRUDON 7 DESSINS Format fini : 12.00 x 17.50 cm Papier : TINTORETTO GESSO Blanc FSC MIX PRODUCT 140 g/m2 Impression recto verso : Quadri Contre collage sur SIRIO BLACK FSC 460 g/m2 CHEVALET Format fini : 10.5 x 12 cm Papier : SIRIO BLACK FSC 460 g/m2 […]
Archivi: Progetti
PORT-Magazin – PORT 2021
Layer upon layer, level upon level, the projects of this year’s PORT come together. “Layers” is the starting point and the theme that the editorial team was addressing in experimental approaches in the development of this now 19th issue of PORT. To get even closer to the theme of layers, the decision was made to […]
Printmedien Biewald GmbH & Co. KG – Advent Calendar
We have built an Advent calendar in the form of a safe. The safe can be opened only with a certain mechanism. If you crack the mechanism, you get to the treasures of the Christmas season: 24 printed folding boxes filled with goodies. […]
La Manticore is a Riso printed comic book by french artist Mayeul Vigouroux published and printed in Paris by Quintal Éditions in Spring 2021. “The Bayurna Yusra is a sovereign more feared than respected whose misogyny is known to all her subjects and particularly to her husband, the Bayun Ghufran. This is why, when the […]
Schimmmelpenninck.Gestaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit Weiss, Freiburg – KÖLN GOLD – Stadtschätze / City Treasures
KÖLNGOLD presents treasures from art, culture and everyday life of the 2000-year history of Cologne. More than 250 pieces of art, buildings, manuscripts and everyday objects come under terms such as openness, pride, joie de vivre and solidarity – characteristics that are attributed to the Cologne mentality. The book is not only a cultural compendium […]
Topipittori – Il segreto delle cose
In ogni casa, nascosta agli occhi distratti dei suoi abitanti, si dispiega segretamente la vita delle cose, fatta di meravigliosi e misteriosi eventi, di lingue sconosciute e di affascinanti microstorie sussurrate sottovoce da chi ne è protagonista. Vi sono lampade -lucciole, ombrelli-fiore, orologi dal cuore pieno di minuti, bambini di neve, fiammiferi come minuscole primavere, […]
Topipittori – Versi di bestie
Bruno Tognolini, uno dei più importanti poeti italiani per ragazzi, dedica versi a tartarughe, cammelli, echidne, elefanti, zebre, lemuri, api e perfino a microbi. Ne coglie l’aspetto, l’essenza, la stramberia, il portamento e il comportamento e li porta su un piano fantastico. Le illustrazioni quasi naturalistiche di Viola Niccolai, talento di spicco dell’illustrazione, restituiscono con […]
Editions du livre – Bloom
Julie Safirstein, 2021 10 pages, 14 x 14 cm, 5-color Pantone printing, 360° pop-up book ISBN 979-10-90475-30-4 Bloom is a 360° pop-up book in the round whose pages open like petals, revealing a delicate bouquet of flowers. Open Julie Safirstein’s work and enter a poetic garden full of colours both bright and pastel, overlays… This […]
Studio format – Maquis Magazine
Maquis is an independent magazine that celebrates a beautiful, authentic and wild Corsica off the beaten track. A unique vision of Corsica through insider places, wild nature, inspiring landscapes, island traditions and local gastronomy captured by talented contributors. […]
10 Associates – National Food Strategy: Part One
The National Food Strategy Part One was the result of 12 months rigorous research and analysis led by Henry Dimbleby, founder of restaurant chain Leon and the Sustainable Restaurant Association, and most recently lead non-executive board member of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Environment Secretary Michael Gove commissioned the independent review […]