WEI present two sets of gift box, while collaborating with Marmotttan Monet Museum Paris. © Bridgeman Images. Beauty Illumination (WEI x Monet Mask Collection) and White Lotus Hydro Revive Collection imitlin E/R65 can well embodies the tactile and visual effects of Monet’s painting. […]
Archivi: Progetti
Weieast – WEI Christmas Gift Box
Set-Clarify and Nourish Mask Collection The gift box is designed for Christmas holiday, which contains four kinds of facial masks. Christmas tree pattern & Nettuno Rosso is meant to echo the holiday spirit. […]
Design Bureau Izvorka Jurić / Motus Vis d.o.o. – Allianz – A Life-Carrying Package
As the problem was noticed that clients often do not know in which insurance company they are insured, the task was to design a life insurance policy packaging that would increase the memory of signing and storing the policy. The packaging is designed like a folded object, and after filling it with papers and forming […]
Design Bureau Izvorka Jurić / Motus Vis d.o.o. – Fjori Fôra Rebranding
Fjori Fôra is a result of a full-scale rebranding project in which we set out a new brand strategy and brand architecture for the complex group of Ćurin products. A new name, verbal communication, brand visual identity, and design of the packaging were created. The Ćurin family makes natural products, primarily cosmetics, based on a […]
GOLINELLI srl – Ferrari Monza SP1/SP2
“Ferrari Monza SP1/SP2” è un volume dedicato al primo modello del progetto Icona, ispirato alla leggendaria 750 Monza, degli anni Cinquanta. È il primo libro di questo genere pensato, realizzato e pubblicato dalla Ferrari stessa. Un oggetto prezioso in tiratura limitata di 499 copie, come le auto prodotte del modello Monza. Ogni sezione del libro […]
Zintek Srl – Children’s Surgical Hospital di EMERGENCY a Entebbe – Uganda
Un prezioso volume che presenta il progetto del Children’s Surgical Hospital di EMERGENCY a Entebbe – Uganda. Un’iniziativa che ha visto la collaborazione tra Renzo Piano e Gino Strada per la realizzazione di un centro di eccellenza chirurgica in Uganda, realizzato su progetto di Renzo Piano e lo Studio RPBW, in collaborazione con lo Studio […]
Lafayette Anticipations – Martin Margiela at Lafayette Anticipations
This exhibition catalogue (Oct 21 to Jan 22), supervised by Martin Margiela himself in collaboration with the famous graphic designer Irma Boom, details in 350 pages the entire process of creating the works in the exhibition. It alternates photos of the final works with “making of” images, taken by the artist himself. This book shows […]
Lima – LibroIncipit
Lima has designed the brand identity and graphic system for the new non-fiction series of Grantorino books, Libroincipit. The publisher wanted an eye-catching modern graphic to bring a new young audience closer to reading. The Libroincipit brand with its capital “L” was designed to give greater emphasis and recognition. The upper part of the cover […]
Druckerei Schöneweiß GmbH – The Golden 20’s
We have learned for ourselves that our dealings with the Challenges of life and one’s own inner attitude is often decisive for happiness, joy and fulfillment. So let´s start into a new golden era and remember that every day. That was basically the idea of putting this calender on a golden paper. […]
Forme – Antibulle, Fizzy White Wine
Cave Clos des Cyprès let us express ourselves with their brand new wine. Fresh, summery, happy and most importantly fizzy, their wine targets the terraces of the restaurants. As the bottles are served in wine chillers, we needed a simple-but-efficient solution to see all the necessary informations at first glance. We came up with the […]