Into Oblivia Written and illustrated by Tomáš Končinský and Daniel Špaček Designed by Petr Štěpán Synopsis of the childrens book: Jasmina is a very ordinary little girl. Sometimes she forgets to do her homework and sometimes she remembers she really just doesn´t want to do it. Why remember stuff anyway? Best to let everything out of […]
Archivi: Progetti
Estúdio João Campos – A Idade do Papel
A Idade do Papel [The Age of Paper] is a two-volume collection dedicated to the Portuguese art of engraving. This first volume focuses on the life of Joaquim Carneiro da Silva (1732-1818), the first master engraver at Impressão Régia [Portuguese Royal Printing House], a distinguished pedagogue, and a distinctive player in the visual culture of […]
Letterpress Brasil – Wall Nut stationery
Stationery and business card Wall Nut. Contrary to the generic and massified current that has been established with globalization, we are living in a moment where we are trying to rescue what has been lost with the advancement of industry: the customization of products. Something that attends directly to personal and professional values, able to […]
W13 Designkultur – Trehs – Essence of the Alps
Cosmesi naturale originaria delle Alpi: l’efficacia concentrata della natura. La cosmesi naturale di Trehs coniuga il sapere tradizionale e la primordiale energia delle Alpi con metodi moderni, impiegando i principi attivi di quattro piante, cresciute in quattro particolari luoghi energetici. Ogni essenza racchiude l’anima delle Alpi: forte, genuina e sperimentata da secoli. Le essenze autentiche […]
IUAV – Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia – Atlante femminista Le donne esplorano il patriarcato
Atlante Femminista is a book for female readers of all ages who want to learn how to orient themselves in a patriarchal society. The ideas of feminism are divided into many sub-themes, each of which is associated with an island that will be metaphorically explored. The central core of the book is made up of […]
Blou and Rooi – Invisible Animals
Mito, Vida y Extinción. Animales Invisibles. Los “Animales Invisibles” se muestran al mundo con Arena, Tintoretto e Imitlin. Concebido como un catálogo ilustrado de lo que hubo y pudo haber, de lo que pueda existir y desearíamos descubrir, este libro es también una metáfora de la importancia del viaje, más que el destino en sí. […]
Sunrise Printing – Dry Red Wine Bottle Label
Swan Farm·Peacock is a strategic brand under the Australian Swan Wine Group. The oriental dance art created by the famous dance artist Ms. Yang Liping and the Australian wine master Ben Riggs collides with the passion of western wine culture. Wine label printing adopts AL Foil Paper with metallic texture materials and cool colors, combined […]
Nicolas Pleutret Design Graphique – Revue N/Z — Season 2
N/Z is an open air experimental journal that focuses on writing as a work process, upstream of its definitive formalization and in all its forms – from poetry to plastic arts. It is a creative laboratory that invites writers and artists to participate for a year in monthly public meetings (evenings), a website, a magazine […]
Dewy Lab – Dewy Lab gift box
In the context of Dewy Lab design, we hope to convey the future romance of Dewy Lab through the presentation of design. In Dewy’s future, the development of science and technology makes the relationship between human and nature more free and harmonious. The collision between cold, professional technology and wanton growth of natural ecology has […]
Otium – Orto Botanico 1545
The “Orto Botanico – Università di Padova”, the oldest university botanical garden in the world still in its place of origin, celebrated the 475th anniversary of its foundation in 2020. For the occasion, this series of prints was designed and collected in a custom envelope, which officially presented the new promotional graphic identity of the […]