Archivio vincitori 2022

Ludwig van Beethovenverzone

The artist´s book by Veronika Bílková introduces life and work of one of the most famous musicians in an extraordinary way – in a colourful harmony. The author focuses on important milestones of Beethoven´s life and career, his fundamental works and also reveals music theory. She drew information for example from the Lobkowicz Music Archive and thus reveals to readers the lesser-known relationship of the composer to Prague and Czech countries. The author created an attractive popular-science book for older children and adults, she used the technique of relief painting to achieve more plastic motifs and scenes. The illustrations are also complemented by piano hammer prints. The book originally came into being as a thesis of Veronika Bílková at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, last year awarded by Honorary Mention BIB2021.

Czech Republic
Arcoprint Milk 150
Poliwrap Neve 110