Archivio vincitori 2022

DiscordeStudio graphique Palais de Tokyo

It’s a weird invitation card for an exhibition in 2018, for a contemporay art center “the Palais de Tokyo”, in paris, France. The theme of the exhibition was in relation with wars and tensions around the world, it was called “Discorde, Girl Of The Night” with a reference to the Discorde of mythology. So i chose to print the title on a long strip of paper and then i folded it in 6, in every way as if it had been trampled. It’s was a challenge for the printer to undertsand my approach, but the effort was worth it. I finally obtained this visual tension, and the cardboard opens as if a knot were being made.
I worked in three pantones : gold, blue “klein” et orange fluo with this beautiful Fedrigoni paper : the splendorlux.
The anecdotes were famous about this cardboard, several people thought it has been offended in transport. Reality has joined fiction.

Creative Communication
Label splendorlux Premium White 275gr