Orangevmsd is a regional leader in delivering visual merchandising and store design solutions. We specialize in providing end to end solutions to the retail industry in the Middle East and Africa. Since our beginning in Bahrain, we have grown to multiple locations across Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai and beyond. We have design and production facilities […]
Archivi: Progetti
Empreinte pub – Semi covering
Création du décor , présentation d’une maquette, réalisation d’un prototype, impression. des 150 kits fourniture et pose au fur et à mesure des demandes , gestions des pièces détachées en cas d’accident Déclinaison du décor sur des plus gros véhicules. […]
Studio K95 – Stelvio Grotesk Specimen
Lo Stelvio Grotesk è un moderno font sans-serif che prende ispirazione dai classici font Grotesk svizzeri e dalla tipografia italiana. Il font è composto da 5 pesi: Light, Regular, Medium, Bold ed Extra Bold; sono presenti anche nelle 5 versioni “Italic”. Nella famiglia dello Stelvio Grotesk troverete una versione alternativa chiamata Stylus, (Regular e Italic), […]
Xavi Carrión and La Bibliogràfica – Sueño lo que soy
I’ve spent time writing down what I dream of in an old notebook. But starting in March 2020, when those dreams started to become more intense and constant, I began to photograph them. When I sleep, my mind becomes a collage of unpredictable images, meaningless stories that, of course, speak of me. In this personal […]
Studio Giulia Garbin – The Seated Queen
Brand identity and Packaging design for the skincare company The Seated Queen. Night Skincare created using single-source, organic, traceable ingredients. The Seated Queen, officially known as cassiopeia, is a star constellation in the northern sky. It is named after a vain queen in greek mythology who boasted of her unrivalled beauty. […]
L’Atelier de Veronica Halim – Glass House Garden Wedding Invitation
This custom invitation suite was inspired by glass house garden wedding theme. Using layers of delicate floral laser cuts to illustrate the dainty floral garden in the decor as well as luxury antique laces used in the bride’s wedding dress. The idea of combining multiple finishings such as blind embossing on the outter box, fine […]
by SpMillot, Paris – IMPRESSIONS
These monumental “IMPRESSIONS” are much more than a “stylistic exercise” with multiple designs and signatures. While constituting “the” book presenting Europe’s largest printing museum, the AMI (Atelier-Musée de l’Imprimerie), in Malesherbes, they pay exceptional tribute to all the inventors and craftsmen of the book and the press from Gutenberg to the present day: journalists, authors, […]
Imprimerie Nationale Éditions – D’ENCRE ET DE PAPIER. Une histoire du livre imprimé
Three specialists in books and publishing (Olivier Deloignon, Jean-Marc Chatelain and Jean-Yves Mollier) recount the long and complex history of a prodigious object, fruit of the spirit and meeting of countless skills. Based on the most recent knowledge and a rich and unpublished iconography, they remind us that, from the 42-line Bible to the 21st […]
Buch- und Offsetdruckerei H. Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG – BASF “Act Trendbook 2021 / 2022”
Every year, the designers of BASF study future trends which they use as foundation for the development of surface, texture and color positions. They draw inspiration from industry, fashion, consumer products, nature, and more. This research is shared with BASF’s customers, the automotive designers, to drive future mass production plans. As a long-standing partner, we […]
Due volumi fotografici dove l’autore si confronta con il mondo vegetale e animale attraverso una strada espressiva più marcatamente personale. Lo fa ponendo come suo soggetto privilegiato alcune piante e farfalle racchiuse in serre che insieme le protegge e le imprigiona. Prima di fotografarle le osserva, le studia, ma sono i colori e l’indeterminatezza delle […]