The book presents the results of a long-term archaeological research of the Mikulčice site with focus on the highest social classes of Mojmirid Moravia. It is aimed towards broad public audience and professionals alike and benefits from its large format by showing life-size photographs, plans and drawings. Design and materiality of the book tries to […]
Archivi: Progetti
OPJ Cyganek et Julie Poulain – Les complices
“Les complices” is an edition that restores a public commission project (1% artistique) which took place in a school in Arras, France. The project questions what makes community. The feeling of belonging to a group, the questions of legitimacy and identity, this facts pass through the sharing of experiences lived together. Our project consisted then […]
Zum Zum production, s.r.o. – Ženy bez rodokmeňov
A debut book from Katarina Zelinska. The story follows the main characker from her childhood to the age around 30. The main charakter observe women and men (but mostly women) who come to her life. The story is written in very sincere way. It is about about a time when we live strange ideas or […]
Luigi Massa – Color VIbes – Jazz Collection
Color Vibes wants to tell through a line, a color, an illustration what is born within us when we listen to a sound, a voice, a verse. The box contains a collection of vinyls dedicated to jazz, as well as a magical casket full of emotions and vibrations of music and signs. […] srl – Step by Step
Renato Cosimato is a young boy who decides to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps by dedicating his entire life to the wine, since he was a child he breathes the scents of the fermentation of the must in that small cellar at home, it is just when he begins to create his own line of […]
Die Lettertypen UG – Mein Buch der Freundschaft
Das Freundschaftsbuch zum allein ausfüllen – ohne Eltern. Dieses Freundschaftsbuch ist für alle da. Denn so wie jeder von uns einzigartig und vielseitig ist, sind es auch unsere Freundschaften. In neutraler Sprache und mit liebevollen von handgezeichneten Bildern lädt dieses Büchlein ein, selbst kreativ zu werden. Egal, ob mit Stiften, Kleber, Pinsel, Papier, Schere, Tuschkasten, […]
Sarah Boris – LOVE
Amidst the pandemic and lockdowns, I produced this print edition to communicate love and solidarity. Being isolated, I felt it was more important than ever to spread love. I designed a custom set of letters to create a unique type artwork. It was then screenprinted by hand using water based inks. Two colour editions were […]
kepler studio – Berliner Blätter 2021
I designed this poster in order to explain why and when the leafes fall off the trees in autumn. The leafes were collected pressed and photographed in one big collage image and the titles, timeline and text/explaination added digitally on top. It is basically meant for primary school children but turned out to be liked […]
Marta Cortese – La mia scrittura
In un momento storico in cui i contatti commerciali con i propri clienti si svolgono prevalentemente da remoto, Marta Cortese ha sentito la necessità di un contatto più diretto, per trasmettere il valore e l’etica del proprio lavoro. Desiderava trovare uno strumento efficace e nelle sue corde, diverso da un classico catalogo commerciale, che le […]
ETIFLEX, s.r.o. – Wine label – MENDELU Zahradnicka fakulta
Enter the alma mater of winemakers, where the student, doctor and professor work together to achieve their goal – mature wine from a mature winemaker. Mendel University, Faculty of Horticulture has a new series of labels for their three wine lines. The graphics connects three personalities of the school and intertwines them with traditional viticulture […]