L’acqua termale di Levico impiega anni a percorrere il tragitto che le permette di raccogliere minerali preziosi per la cura di corpo e pelle. Una essenza termale che dalla montagna arriva a noi racchiusa nei prodotti cosmetici delle Terme; nasce così la nuova linea Minerals – Thermal Essence. Con questo concept si vuole esaltare la […]
Archivi: Progetti
Dario Frattaruolo Design – Freia
Freia, Freya, Freja, Freija, è multilingua, multiculturale, è una donna ad Bergen, Haiti, a Lahasa a Locri. Ha molte manifestazioni e nomi ed è considerata la dèa dell’amore, della bellezza, della fertilità, della guerra, delle virtù profetiche. Il concept per l’etichetta parte dal nome scelto , che rimanda alla mitologia norrena. L’ispirazione prende spunto da un […]
ECAL – École cantonale d’art de Lausanne – The Bio Mind
The Bio Mind illustrates eight principles of creation and function existing in nature and thus focuses on biomimetics. Between abstraction and analysis, scientific and sensitive language, each of the eight chapters aims to fuel reflection on our behaviours and the possible implementation of these principles at individual and/or societal level. The project consciously plays on […]
Special packaging for Guido Berlucchi Cuvée Franco Ziliani 2008 Special packaging designed by Spazio di Paolo and made by Pozzoli for Guido Berlucchi Cuvée Franco Ziliani 2008 with the aim of combing aesthetics and functionality. The result is an amazing hexagonal pack where paper meets wood, in a sort of back to basics. The box […]
ECAL – École cantonale d’art de Lausanne – Dupliréalité
Dupliréalité aims to immerse us into reproductions of places of life that are essential to an individual’s existence. The cities explored include La Chaux-de-Fonds, Lausanne and Renens, which have a direct link with my own reality. This research is based on a conceptual analysis of duplitecture, a recent architectural movement that replicates and relocates famous […]
ECAL – École cantonale d’art de Lausanne – Jan Michalski Agenda-Notebooks 2021
These eight notebooks visually reflect the architectural concept of each cabin of the Jan Michalski Foundation in Montricher, with a minimalist and uncluttered representation. Practical notebooks intended to be offered to writers in residence in these cabins to accompany them during their stay. […]
ECAL – École cantonale d’art de Lausanne – Social Determinism through The City Of God
Social Determinism through The City Of God is a documentary research on the social constraints that are exercised in disadvantaged environments. Starting from the film The City Of God (Fernando Meirelles, Katia Lund, 2003), this book merges 5 key passages through extracts from the dialogues and images of the surrounding of a favela near Rio […]
ISIA Urbino – Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche – Kìrkē
Kìrkē is a photographic and anthropological research through the seaside city of San Felice Circeo, place of the encounter of the witch Circe and Ulises, in the novel Odyssey. My job has been to re-discover this area following the myth steps. Photographically narrating and emulating what was the oral tradition, with the continuous reproduction of […]
CAFA – Central Academy of Fine Arts – Trade with Mephisto
This is a changing era. With the spread of the New Coronavirus epidemic, the universal connection of the world has been fully expressed. At the same time, when each country is facing the epidemic situation, its own meta problem is also gradually emerging. Consumption, which is most closely related to the people and the country, […]
Hubitat – Vini di Gioia Al Negro
In Basilicata le impervietà si alternano alla pianura, il mare alle alture. È quindi il luogo ideale per la viticoltura. Gioia al Negro è un progetto vitivinicolo radicato, ma allo stesso tempo diffuso su di esso, pur nei confini regionali. Questo concetto, che peraltro fornisce il nome a due delle sette etichette, è il nucleo […]