Shadow Colours LLC – 3D Vehicle graphics installation

We shadow colors llc, one of the leading vehicle graphics converter in Dubai with years of service experience and Certified Converters for leading European self-adhesive brands, We recently been added Ritrama to our vehicle graphics requirement, Although the Ritrama brand has well known for years but at this current market the product has gained more […]

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ELISAVA – Cariño, the future-classic clothing lab.

The alarming situation of overproduction and consumption in the fashion industry has led to a devaluation of garments and the disposal of it has been ingrained in people’s everyday behaviour, reducing the fabric’s life cycle to a minimum. Cariño is an up-cycling space that serves as a common ground for traditional craftsmen and cool kids […]

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Shadow Colours LLC – 2 D vechle wrap

We shadow colors llc, one of the leading vehicle graphics converter in Dubai with years of service experience and Certified Converters for leading European self-adhesive brands, We recently been added Ritrama to our vehicle graphics requirement, Although the Ritrama brand has well known for years but at this current market the product has gained more […]

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Identity and hair are combined in this project in order to celebrate ugliness. The reason behind that is the power that this concept holds: it is a marker of inequalities and at the same time it is an infinite source of creativity. Baldness is the maximum expression of unattractiveness in hair, so it will be […]

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One of the most significant Temples of Magna Graecia was built in the south of Italy and was devoted to Hera Lacinia, goddess of women and family. The remaining feature of that immense Temple is a Doric column.The cape of Capo Colonna, located near Crotone in the region of Calabria, south Italy, take its name […]

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Akademie für Illustration und Design Berlin – Die Eskapade

An illustrator’s day-to-day job often involves cooperation with print media. Many challenges have to be mastered in the process: From the design concept of a cover, the writing of articles or the harmonious arrangement of typography and illustration. To get an idea of the skills needed, the students of the 5th semester went on a […]

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ArtevinoStudio – Fil Rouge – Aliotti: etichette vino e olio

Quello di Aliotti è un esperimento nato tra Tevere e Arno, in quel territorio aspro e scosceso della Val Tiberina Toscana che a Caprese Michelangelo ha dato i natali al celebre maestro Buonarroti e, a pochi chilometri, a Piero della Francesca. Qui, tra vigne e ulivi custoditi e preservati nel tempo dall’avvicendarsi delle generazioni, prendono […]

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ArtevinoStudio – Fil Rouge – Miralune, nello sguardo della luna

Miralune ovvero “mirare”, guardare con intensità le lune, seguirle nel loro determinare il lavoro della natura e dell’uomo. Il nome Miralune nasce dall’associazione di due concetti: Mirare, dal latino mirari, ovvero meravigliarsi, ammirare, guardare con intensità, e dalla parola lune riferita al concetto delle fasi lunari importanti nel processo di crescita vegetativa e nella coltura […]

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