Archivio vincitori 2022

1st place

Terra vivanju:design

The Villa Dora brand and packing project is futuristic, essential, and full of joy. The client, a wine producer located at the foot of the Vesuvius, turns all around the territory’s peculiarity. The concept of the labels is to take the most popular and iconic images of Naples – the landscape of Vesuvius – rethink it unconventionally and redesign it so personally to seem previously unknown.

So our Vesuvius is full of colour, matter, and scenic presence. We focused our design on the complex polygonal geometric of the rocks, the overall mountains context it belongs to, and making references to the iconography in the local and international art. Our main inspirations were the ancient etchings often representing the full explosion of the Vesuvius under civilization and some more contemporary and popular representations of the scene, such as the famous Andy Warhol art. In terms of overall style and concept for the Villa Dora’s project, we referred to the work of Giacomo Balla.

Picasso X-Dry FSC™