Archivio vincitori 2022

1st place

Nibbo Bean to Bar Chocolate PackagingLowkey Design Company

A museum of chocolate flavors, Nibbo offers a wealth of distinct tasting experiences to chocolate lovers who wander into the store. The design therefore revolves around position- ing the chocolate as a fine collection of goods that custom- ers will want to try out one by one. Included in the packaging are also cards with detailed notes on the flavor and a corre- sponding flavor number, designed to call to mind item descriptions seen in museums. As a finishing touch to the visual, the outer container is also designed to resemble a mini-collection folder in morphology.

Sirio color Limone 290gsm
Tintoretto Ceylon 250gsm
Ispira Giallo Energia 360gsm
Sirio color Vermiglione 140gsm
Nettuno Panna 140gsm
Materica Verdigris 140gsm