Archivio vincitori 2022

2nd place

The Quest for Universality: The Contexts of Industrial Architecture in Czechoslovakia 1945–1992 / Hledání univerzality: Kontexty průmyslové architektury v Československu 1945–1992Formall CWS s.r.o.

The transformation of a modern factory from an individually designed work of technology and architecture into a universal and abstract format was in any case closely interconnected with the integrated system of architectural design and construction that was set up. Thus, the conditions in which the creators of industrial buildings worked – not just architects, but also engineers, urban designers, technologists, and other specialists – also changed. The search for the right architectural solutions for ever more sophisticated technologies usually set out from pragmatic foundations, clearly defined by the content of a commission and by funding and construction possibilities and what kind of engineering technology it was possible to produce. It is these processes going on in the background that this publication tries to describe. More info:

Czech Republic
Arena rough Ivory 90
Arena rough Ivory 250